learning sampleThe emotional and physical well-being of our students is pivotal to their success at school, as young adults, and in their future lives. Students who are emotionally and physically healthy are happy, able to deal positively with challenges, experience a sense of connectedness with the school and others, and are well placed to develop into well-balanced and successful young people.

Respectful Relationships and Bounce Back

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships has been designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills.

At Dana Street Primary School, we support every student to achieve their best, socially, academically and physically. To give our students the strategies and mindset to assist with their personal growth, we have developed our Well-Being Curriculum. This is derived from the Victorian Curriculum, Respectful Relationships and, as a school, we have found that aligning this with our own Bounce Back Program, gives students the strategies to ‘be their best’. 

Each class participates in weekly Circle Time sessions, a teaching strategy that allows the teacher to explore issues of concern. It also facilitates positive interactions with members of the group.

Buddies and Mates

To support transition into the school, we have a highly successful Buddies Program. All Grade 6 students are paired with a Grade Prep student. The grade 6 students are mentors and positive role models.  This helps to ensure a smooth transition into school for our Preps and promotes the development of leadership skills amongst our Grade 6 students. Student in all other year levels are paired with a buddy and participate in engaging, practical sessions fortnightly, during Buddies and Mates sessions. This encourages teamwork and whole school support systems for all of our students.

First Aid and Welfare

The majority of our staff are trained in First Aid and CPR.  This allows staff to have the necessary skills to support students during their time at school. We are also fortunate to have a Student Welfare Support Officer. Support offered includes one-to-one sessions, small focus groups with similar needs and conducting the ‘Seasons For Growth’ program for students who have experienced grief or loss. In conjunction with this, we have implemented a ‘Drum Beat’ program to engage and promote positive peer interactions.

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